About the Manuherikia Catchment
Water Strategy Group

Most members of the Manuherikia Catchment Water Strategy Group: back row, left to right: Ben Hore, Tommy Arthur, John Paterson, Richard Little, Gerard Flannery, Ralph Hore, Allan Kane, Niall Watson, Ken Gillespie (on the end). Front row, left to right: Dave Menzies, Mike Kelly, Loretta Dobbs, Claire Morris, John Waldron, Gerald Dowling, Anne Stevens, Warwick Hawker, Phil Tisch, Graye Shatkey, Jacob Dexter, Kate Scott.

The wider group comprises Anne Steven and Matt Sole (Forest & Bird); Niall Watson and Clare Morris (Fish & Game); Francie Diver and Maree Kleinlangevelsloo (Kai Tahu ki Otago); Gavin Udy and Jacob Dexter (Department of Conservation); Ben Hore (Blackstone Hill Irrigation Company); John Paterson (Ida Valley Irrigation Company); John Waldron (Falls Dam Company); Murray and Annette Heckler (Falls Dam Company); Mike Kelly (Galloway Irrigation Company); Tommy Arthur (Ida Valley Irrigation Company); James Armstrong (Private Water Rights Holders); Fraser Jonker (Pioneer Generation); Neil J. Gillespie (Contact Energy); Peter Bodeker (Otago Regional Council); Peter Morton (Central Otago District Council); Andrew Paterson; Brian Turner; Dave Menzies; George Collier; Glen Harrex; Hamish Jopp; Hilary Weber; Mary Flannery and Ritchie Stevens.

The Manuherikia Catchment Water Strategy Group has an executive team of 10 people, which liaises with and is advised by a wider group of nearly 30 people, who represent a wide range of organisations. Within the wider group is a special interest group, which is made up of representatives of environmental and recreational organisations.

The MCWSG is led by independent chairperson Allan Kane, a high country merino sheep farmer from the Upper Clutha. The remainder of the executive team comprises deputy chairperson Gary Kelliher from the Manuherikia Irrigation Cooperative Society; Gerald Dowling and Ken Gillespie from the Hawkdun/Idaburn Irrigation Company; Gerard Flannery and Jan Manson from the Omakau Irrigation Company; Ralph Hore from the Falls Dam Company; Graye Shattky from the Central Otago Environmental Society and Warwick Hawker, the Central Otago District Council’s economic development manager. The project manager is Kate Scott, a resource management planner from a farming background, who is the managing director of Cromwell-based environmental planning, surveying and engineering company, Landpro.

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