Stay connected with The Manuherekia Voice - our collective newsletter bringing you updates from the Manuherekia Catchment Group (MCG), the Thomsons Catchment Project,
and the Waiora Manuherekia Project.
Welcome to The Manuherekia Voice - the new collective and collaborative newsletter for MCG, Thomsons and Waiora... (CLICK HERE TO READ MORE)
We’re excited to bring you the first edition of our combined newsletter, now featuring updates from the Manuherekia Catchment Group, Waiora Manuherekia Project, and the Thomsons Catchment Project.
This new format will get all the interesting and useful updates to you in one go so you can keep up to date on the important work happening across our catchment.
About the Manuherekia Catchment Group (MCG)
MCG has always been about farmers leading the way in creating sustainable solutions for our catchment, especially concerning water quantity and quality. While we began with a focus on sustainable water practices, our work now extends far beyond that. Together, as a community, we are working with New Zealand's experts to ensure that what we do benefits the environment, the river, and the community. Supported by government funding, our initiatives include the Thomsons Catchment Project and the Waiora Manuherekia Project, all contributing to environmental resilience and vibrant communities.
Waiora Manuherekia and Thomsons Catchment Project are a part of MCG
Both the Waiora Manuherekia and Thomsons Catchment Projects fall under the umbrella of MCG, amplifying our collective efforts towards better water quality and biodiversity.
The Waiora Manuherekia Project, running from July 2024 to June 2025, is focused on connecting our community to the Manuherekia River and enhancing its health through various environmental initiatives.
The Thomsons Catchment Project, launched in October 2022, is a farmer-led initiative working towards improving water quality and supporting biodiversity in Thomsons catchment. A key milestone in this project is the Orkney Wetland, a five-hectare area that has been transformed into a thriving ecosystem, now legally protected through a QEII National Trust covenant, ensuring its long-term conservation.
Through these projects, we are committed to creating a sustainable, thriving environment for our future generations. We’re grateful for the support from the Ministry for the Environment, and we look forward to continuing this journey together with our farmers, scientists, and the community.
Stay tuned for updates on the exciting developments in our catchment and thank you for your ongoing support!
Don't forget to invite your friends to join our newsletter community by visiting this link.
By signing up for any of our three newsletters — MCG, Thomsons or Waiora — you’ll automatically receive The Manuherekia Voice, our collective newsletter covering all the latest updates across the catchment.

Sign up to the Manuherekia Catchment Group

Sign up to the Thomsons Project Newsletter